This has been a weird year, so I’m going to end it with a weird gift. I’ve ordered 20 Helium Hotspots, and I’d love to ship you one, if you agree to send me half of the tokens it earns.

I’m looking for 20 low-maintenance friends here, so if it doesn’t sound like something you’d enjoy figuring out on your own, just say “no thanks.” Otherwise, send me your shipping address!


  • What?
    • Helium is a moonshot crypto-currency project. They’re trying to build a wireless network infrastructure for IoT devices, and they’re incentivizing normal people to put routers (“hotspots”) in places that help the network grow.
  • … What?
    • The hotspots are back-ordered from China. I placed a big order weeks ago, they should be here by February (sorry, I wanted to have it by Christmas).
      • It’s my gift to you, just split the earnings with me.
    • This hotspot won’t do anything for you – only imaginary devices can connect to it.
  • How much money will this make?
    • Probably $0.
      • This endeavor will likely fail, but there is a huge potential upside if it doesn’t.
      • Plus, you’ll learn about low-power radio signals & cryptocurrency economics.
    • My hotspot has earned 17k HNT tokens, but I’m lucky (location and timing are important factors), and I recently mounted a custom antenna on my roof (you don’t have to do this).
  • How much will this cost me?
    • $0 (I’m buying the hotspot & shipping it to you)
    • $2/year in electricity (it uses 5 watts & is totally silent)
    • Some time & hassle to set it up
  • What exactly am I committing to?
    • Send me your address today.
    • In a few weeks, when the package arrives, create a Helium account & plug the hotspot in.
    • Every 6 months (on July 1st & Jan 1st), send me 1/2 of the HNT tokens that your hotspot has generated.
      • This is done through the Helium app, it’s easy, I’ll send you my HNT address later.

Here is more info on why I’m doing this. tl;dr – because it’s fun!

I don’t have time to provide help or support. I’m counting on you to be independent… you got this!